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Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo

What you say is true trey,
I think that this industry should not be regulated by the MSO's though. It's like giving the Pyro the zippo. If greed on their part played a major role in what has happened to our industry thus far, what else will it bring.
Does everyone remember when a cable tech had to be certified? And what actions would cause that tech to loose certification?
what happened to those days? Why have we let that along with so many other things be taken away?
Now I'm not knocking the SBCA they had a good idea. But, greed took over.
What if you had to be a resident of the U.S. to get certified?
That would apply to companies as well.
We must bring back a standard of excellence and make it stick.
My suggestion like yours trey, may not be total solution but it is a step in the right direction. It ain't fancy but it's got teeth.
Loyalty, Where has it gone? Why has it been replaced by greed?
The bigger question is how do we get it back?
This is posting #184094. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo by Trey9007
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