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The Game is going to the next levle

Sorry I am running late Just got back in Tx i have to stay at A very nice elder lady house since I dont have my own anymore.
i am half asleep but i promised the Dawg Pond that i would post
the first letter.this letter went out to the following places(bottom of page) I will be on later on tonight need to sleep
critises if you must but I feel we have enough negative going on
Idont care anymore about froming a union or not But we all can agree Enough is Enough God Bess see you tonight

To whom it may concern:

My name is not important, but what I have to say is! I have been in the telecommunication industry for 21 years, I was just wondering if your office might be interested several federal violations committed by Comcast cable, including everything from forcing their sub-contractors by leaving them no other option but to break the local law’s that not only could throw them in jail but also putting them in harm’s way just so that they could receive their paycheck that they have earned , to leaving their phone line customers disconnected for days, because it is in the poorer part of the city and they don’t want to bother with it , also to the massive signal leakage due to the lack of experience from the managers to the in-house employees , not knowing how severe that can be to an airplane that is passing by or landing at an airport. But they still do not fix the problems that they are causing. While Comcast is playing games with the sub-contractors checks , the lives and families that they left back home to come out here to help fix their system are being destroyed , many people have or are about to lose everything they own! Due to holding of the pay that is owed.
In the next 96 hours I will be sending an E-mail to the media outlets regarding the names, places, and time that these violations occurred and more.
I have stood quite for too long about the thing that actually go on in the telecommunication industry , but its all about to be revealed. Just for the record I am not doing this for money due to the fact that it is too late for that, the damage has already done there is no way I and many others can dig myself and their self out the hole that Comcast has put us in. And every time Comcast is notified about these issues they always come up with an excuse and blame it on miscommunication, little do they know that the smallest thing that is misheard can still cause great damage. Never has there been an investigation on the cable company and how they conduct bussiness, the FCC usually passes it off and say’s it’s a local matter but since cable is now part of the PUC, why won’t they do something besides pass the buck . We were also told by our supervisor to falsify documentation.
If I have the wrong department that would like to know about the information that I have , I would appreaciate it if you could direct me the the department or the person that would like to know what I know! And I would deeply appreiciate it if someone could look into this!

Thank you for your time
A man who has lost everything


We are asking that the people who were forced to commit in breaking of the law’s would be granted full immunity for any act’s in the state in which it occurred in, in exchange for all the testimony co-operation in this hope to start a massive investigation. ALSO this is just the summary of the full letter that will be sent to the media! If you would like to talk please Email us back with a phone number and we will call you back










This is posting #184048. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: The letter will be posted Friday night then you ca by lashdawg
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