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Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo

If youre referring to the guys in Alabama, I saw something totally different. Those guys bargained improvements for themselves and as a result the other guys got improvements as well. Did Indys get improvements? Probably not. Did indys DO any work towards getting themselves improvements? Probably not. COuld Indys have worked together with the union or themselves to get improvements? Yes. Did they? No. All this said I dont see how one would think what happend in Alabama would have changed anything for indys. They just werent involved in the process, at least to my knowledge.

Yeah, we go a ways back. Apparently no far back enough. Me with 1 year of cable??? Try 11.5 years of phone and sat. So Brother I feel Im in a position to gauge solidarity. Helping a brother find work is an awsome thing to do. Its great to see it happen. BUT, its like putting a band-aid on a gun wound. How about putting an end to the reason why that brother got screwed and is desperately in need of work. THATS SOLIDARITY!!

Back to the solidarity gauge for a second. BTW Im doing phone not cable. Let me share what I witnessed about 3 months ago. The company I work for came to us about an oppurtunity. About 3 months ago Verizon workers in NY were in talks with the company. Things werent looking good and Verizon wanted to prepare for a strike. I cant remeber the offer but it was something like $25/hr + $25/hr truck and tool allowance. THey pay for hotel. THey were paying this just to sit in the hotel and be ready. Out of 15 of us, only 1 ( a twenty something) took the offer. We all told them we dont do strike work. We didnt have a meeting before hand to come to this it was just natural. We understand that although we are non-union the union guys help keep the standards high.

Now, compare that to what you said about the AFS coming into Alabama. IS that solidarity? Not to me it isnt. Then to expect to somehow gain something? I dont get it. Im not knocking the brotherhood here, Im just stating that it needs to be stronger due to the fact that the will to over power the brotherhood has gotten stronger. Im sick of hearing about people losing homes and things. We need to be able to tell ourselves were getting whipped by the greed. We must get stronger and make that word brother stronger.
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