Re: Bush disgraced, Border agents sent to prison t
Member #: 21355
Registered: 2/9/2003
Sydney Max S
Cush Communications Inc.
Georgia USA
~34 years
What a shame to see what is happening in this country, imagine people who are trusted with a responsibility to protect the boarders by any means necessary are sent to jail for doing their jobs. It is plain to see that GWB don't care anymore or probably never did care about America, he knows that this is his final term as Pres. so he do not have to do anything to win the people over. In my opinion this should not have reached so far if the American Citizen who is the US District attorney in that region did not bring about charges against the Boarder Patrol officers. I lived in New York some years ago and Cops were emptying their guns on American Citizens and their punishment if any at all was a slap on the wrist. What a Shame...... What has America come to ? The USA is now a place where it does not benefit you to be a citizen or legal immigrant who are treated worse than an Illegal Drug Smuggling SOB who is bringing drugs which is also a contributing factor to the escalating crime rates Nationwide. We have to be very careful of those people who we elected to represent us imagine we have people starving, some homeless ( even war Vets ) and the Govt is spending Billions of dollars to get our family members killed in a country full of people who do not like the USA and have the Ball$ to say it beign done in the name of Democracy. Why the hell don't the Iraq Gov't give the US some FREE BARRELS OF OIL to offset the cost to the USA (In your dreams) This incident should be a wake up call to all citizens when you go to the Polls to vote , Vote and put people in office who you can count on to always do what is right for the ( Legal ) Citizens of the United States of America. I pray for the families of these men as we all should be doing and believe that GOD will turn their situation around som they can be with their family and also continue to do their jobs and don't be afraid to use whatever measures necessary to protect this country from Drug Smugglers and Illegals entering the country............GOD BLESS AMERICA
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