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Re: Are prices going up or not? YES

I wanted to add further to clarify my point. Back in the beginning of 03 the primes were saying the prices were going down and I'd talked to the one prime who told me the prices had never gone down. And It came down to on that particular job because the majority couldn't make money unless you were doing the paying off that people were leaving the area and jumping from prime to prime(it was alowed somewhat) and suddenly the 4 primes all came up with 8 cents more a foot(mustav just dropped out of the sky). That was their other other floating money they could have been paying all along and they still had room to play with. So the primes xcuse was their pay was being lowered when in fact it was the longer turn around on their monies so the subs ended up paying interest on their notes by taking a cut( due to a slow down and smaller budgets). It's nothing about you and I and joeblows 2-5yrs exp.. The supply is the money and how fast it gets to the prime the demand comes in when the need for more people across the game board(states & jobs) and things start hopping. Also might add that the prices might have went down for the most of 05 and 06' but the first 1 1/2-2yrs they hadn't. Bottom line their making 40% off the the subs the one case I was talking about seems we were told they only made 30-35% off us then I saw their prices to the nickel 40%. Maybe a small ma/pa might be making the min. but as a company gets bigger and more inhouse flunkys accumulate and bigger office personel the sub floats them. A company is going to clear 20-25% AFTER taxes I did with a hand full of people or by myself and no budget. And my people's peoples got alot of fringe. Oh ya Bro- sephus the Primes know the subs do 80-90% of the work. They are counting on it! Try 100% - 40% contract pay -25% clear -25% tax(should be 30-35% tax brak) 10-(15)% inhouse and incedentals=100% but not excluding 5-10% more off the tax end(need good accountant(s) & lawyer(s) which also includes padding the customer personel that make a diff. And that's BIT-NESS. Never padded anyone and made 100g's or the equivalent there of in time worked whether I worked by myself or had 1-5 guys(I was also working) depended on what kind of work.

Ever notice on a footage/piece job the useless supervisors and project mgrs. they're the ones that couldn't hack it in the field but on a hourly you had a better chance of skilled people at the top taking advantage of the fringe until something would break or the prime broke them deliberately, seen/heard it.

Also on the people that haven't been paying 3 things could happen 1) they totally dry up
2) they end up working on a remote island or a dark corner of the US or
3) They'll be working right beside you on these big jobs & vengence is yours
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Posted in reply to: Re: Are prices going up or not? YES by OB1Cablenobe
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Are prices going up or not? YES joekool580 1/13/2007 8:09:00 PM
Re: Are prices going up or not? YES cableready4 1/7/2007 7:42:00 PM