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Re: Has anyone got paid from Hope communications?

Miss Woods, I do feel for you and for those you cannot pay, I have been a sub for 18 years, and I too saw the opp to make some good money by expanding but quickly learned how hard it was to get people who really wanted to work, how soon do i get paided, how much advance can I get, wheres my motel, my car broke down, you name I,ve heard it. But on pay day allways on time, so I strictly take only what I can do myself, then my check goes home with me, I have never been on a job where the sub was allowed to run the job, but always respected the person in charge and did as was directed are looked elsewhere if I thought they were eable to oversee a project, as for John I never meet him but once on a job that we both were subs and as far as what I saw he was very professional in what he did and all his guys he had with him seemed to like him, anyway I hope everyone comes out ahead and learned from this. May this New Year be a good and porductive for all of us.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Has anyone got paid from Hope communications? by slimhefty
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Re: Has anyone got paid from Hope communications? KODIAKSQ 12/26/2006 10:45:00 PM