The reason Millennium's price struture is the way it is, is because of the EXTREMELY low prime rates that TWC pays out. TWC did exactly what AT&T did, continually drive down prices of contract installs. Which, by the way, is what allows hacks into this industry. THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INDUSTRY. Millennium is a small company, not one that has multiple contract in other states to help offset the loses in TWC. I'm not touting anything for anybody. I haven't worked in S.C. in over a year because I cannot afford to live with the S.C. payouts. So, please continue to contest the facts that you know nothing about. Besides, what Storm are you Waiting Out? TWC in S.C. ??? Why are you still in the cable business? Me, I love it and have for the last 15 years. If you are that concerned about your lot in life, do something about it.
This is posting #180396. Tiny Link: