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Re: Illegal Alien kills Marine on leave from Iraq!

Lol.....Gotta say I agree with you about the caliber of most of our government officials. But we put them there, and we allow the rules that allow them to be influenced by special interest group to exist by not speaking out. At some point we, the common American, have to take our share of responsibility of whats wrong in this country.

We've got business owners crying foul about competitoirs using illegals. Businesses have the right form co-ops. Co-ops give them the ability to compete against each other, but at the same time come together to fight against problems like this that have a negative impact on the entire trade. But they dont do it. They take the easy way out and just lower their rates.

Workers have the right to organize and create a situation where only members of their union can work a site, and if you dont belong and work on the site, you must be paid the NEGOTIATED, not dictated, wage of the site. Workers also have the right to collectively just say no. But, they do neither.

With the attitudes displayed by the small business owner and the working man, is it really a suprise things are going the way they are? We practicaly BEGGED for all this. We dont vote, we dont organize, we dont protest, we dont even target the right groups when we do decide to have our little b*tching sessions.

When did we forget that if you do nothing, you get nothing. People now say that voting and participating in the different types of protesting is a waste of time. But when you look through our history many victories have been won this way. The working man in this country seems to have lost the fight in him.
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