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Re: Illegal Alien kills Marine on leave from Iraq!

Changes that come about because of technology is a good thing. It usually brings on just as many oppurtuniyies as it has taken away. Im sure someone may have declined your services because they didnt want a 50 ft tower, but 10 yrs later you were probably able to sell that person an 18' Dish.

The changes that come about due to illegal and un-ethical practices are not a good thing. Illegals alliens do cause alot of unwanted change to our country. The American people deserve better. However, I feel illegal alliens are used as scape goats by corps and poloticians. Poloticians use this as a topic to "run" on. They never do anything but give good speeches about it.

Corporate America uses this topic to hide the fact that they are the ones that cause most of the things illegals get blamed for. Remember the US had the deck of cards for the top terrorist. Illegal alliens are more like a 9 of hearts getting the attention of an Ace of spaids. Corporate America is an Ace of spaids getting the attention of a 3 of hearts. They are able to pull this off for a few simple reasons.

1. Cameras are not focused in corporate board rooms, but they are focused on Home Depots in the South.

2. Corporate Execs are not congregating in the public eye like the illegals.

3.The biggest one, is simply corporate America uses their money and power to get laws enacted to make the things they do legal, where as illegals continue to operate while their actions are considered illegal.

Ask yourself, if a corporation takes 1,000 jobs from Americans AND recieves tax breaks from the government. What is the difference between that and 1000 illegals taking 1000 jobs from Americans and the tax break they get by sending their children to our schools. Theres little, if any, difference except corporate America has made their ways legal.

Unfortunately, we are calling for blood against the Mexican illegals because they are the biggest group that cause job cuts and tax burdens by breaking immigration. But we not only say just about nothing to corporate America and how their actions have the same effect. We go as far as to make the biggest corporate contributor to American job loss an icon by spending what little money we have in their stores. Go figure.

The working man must learn theres only 1 color in these peoples eyes, green. Whites blame minorities, women and illegals when they cant find work. Minorities and women blame whites and illegals when they cant find work. We all bicker and fight against each other while wealthy whites and wealthy minorities couldnt give a sh*t about any of us. We blame everyone except the ones who actually have the capabalities to do the harm.

Cmon people lets think. Can a bunch undocumented, non english speaking cause all this harm to an American that has the right to vote, organize, and other things No. They couldnt hurt us at our weakest moments. But a wealthy, influential, and powerful group of corps can, and do, cause us harm.

IMO, were simply being conned. They are using our hate for each other against us. Its a shame, but they know that the only time common Americans stand together is when were against somebody else. We'll never stand together to just help each other. This is why they make sure they're not the ones we stand together to fight against. They give us the illegals to fight instead. And it looks like we've accepted their gesture..

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