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Re: Is It fact

I guess you can put this cuban refugee from 70 years ago in the same classification as people who are being smuggled in today on cargo boats from China and other people from Mexico running in the middle of the night across the border somewhere in Texas and other places, etc. etc. would be one thing if all that ever worked for this company were ILLEGAL ALIENS, of course that is not the case......wait before I really get on a rant, how do you feel about Toyota factories and Mercedes factories here in the US, is it good for that town now that they have all these new jobs for the community, or is it wrong because ultimately the profit is going back to Japan/Germany from the product that Americans are producing for them...........ok one more, how bad did it piss you off when the sweatshops were found in Asia with all these 10 year olds making Nikes all day long for next to nothing, how many American jobs did that situation affect........Americans might not be on a boat trying to get into another country looking for work to help their families back home but they will sure try to find cheaper labor in another country ultimately taking jobs away from their fellow Americans.....all you can do these days is take care of #1 and put yourself in the best situation you can for you and your family......there are 2 sides to every story and like everybody knows.......opinions are like a..holes, everybodies got one.........
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Posted in reply to: Re: Is It fact by rmblnmn1
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Is It fact rmblnmn1 12/2/2006 1:41:00 AM
Re: Is It fact sumahit 11/30/2006 8:51:00 PM
Re: Is It fact soa77 11/30/2006 8:29:00 PM