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Re: when to judge a company.........

It's the same, from coast to coast and i doubt it'll get better any time soon. Most, with any technical ability and the ability to add and subtract, have already moved on! I've got cert's. and licences, framed and hangin' on the wall, pens with my company's name and number, four color business cards with artist paid design. Cool, when work and prices were what a skilled individual ought to be gettin'. Kinda depressing , looking at that "stuff" and thinking what used to be and most likely never will be again! But! Can't dwell on it , Bro, pick yourself and your abilities up and move on. There's bigger fish to fry. I was lookin' for work when i first got in this biz 25 years ago (at least that's when i quit countin'). Either way, don't let the B--stards get ya down! Use that brain and move on. Got to remember, you are also a "consumer"! Apparently it hasn't dawned on the wanna be employers out there that wanna get rich "quick" off your abilities! Later, Mike M.
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