why dont you just tell it like it is buddy ..........i think .......please correct me if i am wrong ..........i was the one walking the tree tops earlier that day when the rain came........i was the one that was workin off the hooks in a friggin down pour while you guys were around the corner in a bucket .........i think it was also me that hit that mid span clamp the first time ........as a matter of fact .......i think i hit all the poles but one did i not at least the ones from the hooks any way..........and i think we all put our day in as the last and only crew out there that day after old jerry said we had to stay out while everybody else went home .......welllllll........you enjoy your .13 cents a foot .......lol................i even ended up hitting the middle pole twice ........so if you are implying that i am lazy or that i was in the truck for two minutes answering the bosses phone call that day or that i did not get as soaked as anybody else did wellllllll