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Re: Help me out...

I don't want to argue with you but I can tell you that in 14 a week period my total gross was over $19K and that was doing 5 to 6 jobs a day on average and not working six day weeks every week.
A smart, skilled installer can make money in this system. Yes, there will be some heartbreaker jobs that suck from the word go but for the most part, I'd say 80% of the work encountered isn't that difficult, it may be time consuming but not physically demanding.
On the issue of QC, I can proudly say I was well under 10% fail during this time as well.
Most installers reading my posts understand what is required of them. Most know that we are getting a raw deal but since we've made the investment in tools, insurance and lisencing it's hard to turn away from the income since most also know that the trades or business they came from to get here are hurting just as bad if not worse.
I've recently found myself in the position of supervising. The salary I make is well under what I know I can make if I was doing route work. Why do I do it? Not real sure to be honest. I just feel that I can offer a hell of a lot more to the prime I work for by being a part of something that can benefit the company as a whole.
This trade isn't dead, it's starting to smell that way but not quite in the rigor mortis stage just yet.
There's guy's coming in that are hungry and want to learn how to do it. Guy's that are willing to make the effort to get their legals and tools. It's way too costly now to get started and I wont waste a man's time or money if I don't think he can get it together.
I refuse to have a "warm body in a truck" mentality. I've seen that in other companies and I think it's total B.S.
Yes the MSO's change the scope in midstream. Yes, it's unfair at times but what is bitching about it going to do? It's hard to get new guy's aclimated to it and it's a hell of a lot harder to tell seasoned installers about changes and expect them to take it with a smile.
I'm looking at having to dismiss two guys this week. I've given them every chance I could but all I get is attitude from them.
The thought crossed my mind to make a big deal out of it so the others could see the example but that's not right. It's a small shop, the others will notice they arent around pretty quick and they'll know why soon enough.
Sorry to be so long winded. Guess I still have some hope.

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Posted in reply to: Re: Help me out... by TDD1
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Re: Help me out... TOCABLES 10/27/2006 6:12:00 PM