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Re: Walk the Talk.

Beautiful post. (clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)

PLEASE, tell your Son and Daughter that we are VERY proud of them. God bless them and I COMPLETELY understand how you feel. YOU ARE NOT SELFISH !!!!!!! No sane person want's this for their children. But sometimes, it's bigger than "US".

I don't mean to seem defensive, but I'm a little "jumpy" from all the junk I've been taking over the last week or so. If he truly meant it straight, Then I ABSOLUTLY appologize !!! If he meant it as a slam, Then, personnally, I stand by my comment. I hope it's the former.

As with you, I have a vested interest, that the war goes well and to our advantage. I have lost AAALLLLLL !!!!! patience with the "Bush Sucks" crowd because they NEVER HAVE A SOLUTION, only criticism.

Thank you for the site, I WILL explore it later tonite. I have spent WAY to much time on the computer this afternoon, and need to get back to work. Man, it's easy to get pre-occupied. Thank GOD I work for myself.

Again, PLEASE tell your Son and Daughter that we LOVE them and appreciate THEIR sacrifice. May GOD bless them and ultimately bring them home safely and in one piece to their Loving family. Tell them to also tell their buddies. My one Son in Afghanistan and his buddies thought that they were alone, because ALL they saw was the dissention on the news. They ALL felt better when we assured them that it wasn't as bad as the news media portrayed. Some of those poor boys ARE alone. Some of them really don't have anyone, but the guys around them. So, please make sure YOURS tell their buddies that we are proud of them ALSO.

Gotta go.


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Posted in reply to: Re: Walk the Talk. by Wife of a cable guy
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