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What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM

I have come to the conclusion that this site is a total waste of time. It should be called the "BITCH AND WHINE WITHOUT A SOLUTION Bar" I want to say that I'm NOT stunned by some of you, But I'm stunned. From work to companies to politics, I am stunned by those of you who don't care. I am amazed that you don't even TRY to read the posts correctly in order to make an informed argument.

I have been accused of calling people names and being a "meanie with a small weanie" ( I still want to know how you found out?). I HAVE BEEN called pretty much everything except a homo-phobe. I don't know how you forgot that one. But yet these same people say "THEY" are the open minded ones. BUT YET, you still CAN'T cite one (1) instance where I'VE ACTUALLY called anyone a name except for the Anti-American peace activists. I am guilty of "Generalizations". So let me see if I get this right, For "generalizations", I am a "Racist, Bigot, meanie with a small weanie", but I notice NO such comdemnation of those who ACTUALLY DO call people names AND advocate violence against those they disagree with (9/27/2006 8:32:31PM RE;HOW DOES THE US LEAVE IRAQ GRACEFULLY).

It is hard to take you seriously when you do NOT even BOTHER to read what your ripping me for !!!!!!!

I was ripped for "claiming" to be Japanese and American Indian. I NEVER CLAIMED TO BE JAPANESE !!!!!!! HOW IN THE WORLD did you get that??????? IF you actually read the post, you would notice that I said the "WORD" is Japanese. I said the "WORD" is Japanese. I said the "WORD" is Japanese. Did you get it that time ? It was obvious that you were more concerned with "ripping" me than getting your facts straight. And I don't have to "Claim" to be American- Indian(moon)

Lastly, if you DON'T know what "sarcasm" is, or won't take the time to find out what it is,, just so you can rip someone for what you "think" they said, then your the one with the problem. Again, I AM stunned by how some of you read what you WANT to read. You don't even CARE to get your arguments straight. I can't carry on an intelligent conversation with people who WON'T even argue about what you said, Just what they THINK you said. I notice none of you "enlightened and open- minded" people corrected what I said. You spent MOST of your time "generalizing " about what a peice of S**t I am, and ripping the administration.

Lastly, Lastly, (keep up) This IS the GREATIST country on earth. I know some of you can't handle that, But it IS true!!!!!!!

You CAN do it if you put your mind to it. You CAN go from poverty to the penthouse. You CAN start your own business. You CAN get an education. You CAN, no matter your race, religion, and gender, succeed here in America. IF you want to, and don't listen to those who will always say "No Way".

Too many of you have confused "freedom" with "Rebellion"
"Freedom" is the ability to do whatever I want, WITH respect for others.

"Rebellion" is the ability to do whatever I want, and F**K YOU if you don't like it.

Quote, " No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom, unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"-- Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Quote

That is all !!!



This is posting #176718. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM Chopps 10/6/2006 7:37:00 AM
Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM mt30ys 10/5/2006 10:15:00 PM
Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM oldschoolgal 10/5/2006 3:24:00 PM
Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM x Greasemonkey 10/5/2006 12:49:00 AM