All you anti-American peace activists ( and I use that phrase purposly, because your ONLY for peace when America's involved. Other than that you could care less how many people are raped and/or killed and you do NOTHING EVER. Rawanda comes to mind among MANY others.) have a few things in common.
#1> You think these muslims are like the stupid- ass Christians around the world. Unfortunately for you, They ACTUALLY believe in their religious teachings. And their religion teachs to kill all those who do not convert. You see their response EVERYDAY to "unbelievers" on the news. But your so consumed with hatred for pres. Bush you can't be bothered with those "facts". All you have to do is watch the rest of the news past the "Bush Sucks" segments on the news. But that would mean you would have to pay attention, and GOD ( Yes, I used HIS name) knows you can't do that !!!!
#2. It's ALWAYS Americas fault. I have REALLY bad news for you. Muslim Imperialism didn't start on 9 / 11. Theres a pretty good chance that you went to public school, so you propably don't know that muslim imperialism (look it up, if you dare) started thousands of years ago. But as stated before, you don't really care about all the other deaths around the world, as long as you can get to the strip club on time. Oh!, Did I mention they don't have strip clubs in muslim controlled countries. Funny they're only in those oppressive, non-inclusive Christian countries.
#3. You have ZERO knowledge of History. I am NOT going to waste my time here, because obviously you can't be bothered with historical FACTS. THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH. Sometimes it's good for you and sometimes it's bad for you. But it's STILL the truth. You just don't want to be bothered with it, if it does'nt match your delusion.
#4.This basically goes hand in hand with #1. You seem to operate under the delusion that if we just are "nice" to these Muslims, that they will leave you be. Unfortunately for you, people like you will be the FIRST to go. If you think that you are going to continue with your lifestyle if they are allowed to take over you are as dumb as you seem. How do I know, See # 3, and I actually pay attention past the "Bush Sucks" segments. Why do you ignore the thousands of innocents who are being killed. On the nightly news, when they say that 65 were killed today in Bagdad, Those aren't soldiers, those, by and large, are civilians. It is SAD that we've had so many brave men and women killed over there. But why are you NEVER upset at the thousands who've been killed. AND THEY WERE BEING KILLED LONG BEFORE ANY OF US WERE EVER BORN. But again that would mean you would have to pay attention.
I could go on, But I'm sure you don't really care. I am reminded of two things. One is Tibet. I have been seeing "free Tibet" stickers for at least 20 years now. Question, when does all your precious "diplomacy" free them. But then again, it does'nt really matter, because "you care" and thats all that matters. Lets ignore the fact that your "caring" hasn't freed one person from Tibet.
Secondly, I freely admit that I come from a military family. Every male in my family until my generation has served in the military and 3 out of 4 in my generation has served. I CURRENTLY have 2 sons in the ARMY. 1 in Afghanistan and 1 going to Iraq in around November. If either one or both are killed, I just want you to understand 1 thing. They both VOLUNTEERED AFTER 9/11, because they could'nt stand by and do NOTHING. And I am the PROUDEST father on earth.
I will NOT blame Pres. Bush, Cheney, Rice, or Rumsfeld. I WILL blame the press, hollywood, And ALL the anti-American idiots (see above) in this country who ALWAYS run off at the mouth, without taking time to LEARN what we're up against. Why don't you spend 2 minutes learning about islam. Why don't you learn their history. Or is all you can read is "Bush Sucks". Why are the reports from the average military person over there so different from what we're seeing on the news.
Question, the press always says that "good news doesn't sell". OK, if good news doesn't sell, Then what do you have to have????? How come you will take the word of ONE disgrunteled military person, but ignore all the thousands who have a different view ???
Lastly, Just remember, YOUR freedoms didn't come from a law. It came from the point of a flint-lock, a M-1, And an M-16. Don't know what i'm talking about? Look it up if you can actually read !!!
Put down the beer and find out about Muslim Imperialism, I AM NOT saying "all Muslims are bad" I am just trying to point out the TRUTH. Look it up if you dare!!!