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Re: Illegals, Get what you deserve.

We can afford to build as many jails as we need to. Period. The proof is in the pudding on this one. The number of crossings has been reduced. Success if you will. Secure the borders!
I devote as much time as I can to ensure these jails are built.
Many additional crimes come with the criminals who cross our borders.
It is not just this country that is tough to immigrate to.. Other countries are even more difficult. It is a need for self preservation. You know like many of you find it acceptable to commit crimes in this country. I say stand up and fight for the United States, if you do not....What are you going to have?
Many of you think it is just Latinos. The southern crossing for criminals. It is not.
This is posting #176078. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Illegals, Get what you deserve. by uboatcmdr
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