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Re: awesome effin tips.........

It is difficult to say what the best tips were, but I will try. Back in 2000, I had a customer give me 4 old recievers which I sold as is on ebay and they brought $600. That would probably be the biggest tip recieved from a customer. Needless to say, I gave that cutomer my cell# and told them not to hesitate to call. They called about 4 months later after a storm and I gladly gave them a free service call.

But as far as tips go, any offering of kindness always makes my day brighter. Just yesterday a customer brought out a glass of ice and a full pitcher of sweet tea which seemed to turn my day around.

On the other hand, I have had cuastomers in houses which take up a whole block ask me to do some extra work. I explained to that customer that I could assist, but it would be ouut of scope of what my work order called for. After I spent thirt minutes helping them setup their flat panel and home stereo, the cheap jerk didn't even offer a thank you, much less a tip. I took the good with the bad and didn't let the guy mess my day up, but I will remember him on the next call.
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Posted in reply to: Re: awesome effin tips......... by davisgo
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Re: awesome effin tips......... dsatelitmn 9/10/2006 6:09:00 PM