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Re: I'm Outta Jail!!! Its Time For Change!!!!

God Bless and good luck.

As far as politics go WHY NOT??????? I would`nt be surprised that MANY politicians have criminal records. Jesse Ventura for one I think.

I Too HATE "THE MAN" as he is worse then and more crooked
then the MOB is. I also HAD an Allocation over 20 years ago when I was in the service. I KNEW of this Master Sergents 17 year old daughter. I NEVER went out with her BUT I was arrested because HE THOUGHT I was taking advantage of her, ect... I NEVER touched her but that did`nt stop him from having me arrested, locked with the cuffs on me for over 4 hours with my hands\arms behind my back in a squatting position (No chairs empty room) . I found out later that night (when I was finally released) That his daughter was home in her bed from my girlfriends mother. I was STILL punished by being restricted to POST for 30 days. What a Crock. I did get even though. I PLAYED HEAD GAMES on him. I found out AFTER I got out of the service (a year later) where she hanged out through friends. I called the dad on a PAY phone and told him I know where your daughter is and I`m having a "GOOD TIME" with her. He screamed Who`s this and my reply was one of the people who you bent over. He did catch up with me in a store and wanted to beat me up. I said Go ahead BUT I`ll just face battery charges at worst you on the other hand beating up a Civillian will get you discharged and cost you your pension. I did`nt do or have anything to do with her and shortly after my payback, I moved away.

My wife Thought I was crazy but has dealt with THE MAN and found out I was right.

Lawyers.......Shoot them all , Let god sort them out
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