I must say I agree with you on several points. I am a fighting supporter of the death penalty and a firm believer of Justice for the victim. I would have to say though that I disagree that you are what you do, I think you are what you fight for. If a person can accept being morally challenged for a few bucks in the bank then what they are fighting for defines their character. Yes everyone is entitled to a defense and although I wouldn't wish any innocent person go to prison, if 1 out of a 1,000 innocent people go to put the remaining 999 (child molesters, rapist, murderers) in prison then I would say that the odds are in our favor.
Those of us who feel like you and that have expressed it in this forum should find some solace in knowing that people who hurt children are at the bottom of the social ladder in prison and do become victims themselves. ("Over and Over") I know that since we can't take matters into our own hands we can let those that although are criminals themselves but still believe in a certain level of humanity and rules of society handle it for us. They in most cases are far better equipped and have much more time on their hands.

For those that have addressed this issue from the religious point of view, I would say that in that sense I would not want to be that man on judgement day. Until then though, let him suffer.