Re: Late 70's Early 80's Southern California
Member #: 153
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary Vest
Gary Vest
Bowlin Group
Williamsburg, OH
early 60s
~43 years
I left Cali in '92, and soon as I hit North Carolina, I hooked up with Tele-Media, in the Welcome,NC area, and you talk about drooling! I was looking at country running, with 300' average spans, some up to 500', roadside everywhere I went. This is after leaving the Beach Cities rebuild, (fiber nodes for cascade reduction north of Del Mar to just above Cardiff By The Sea _ REALLY cool project for Paragon) with average spans of 100', many less. East coast was the first time I ever laid eyes on an anchor crankor and a twist anchor. Only used bust anchors in Calli. Remember the auxiliary-eye trick? Only when I had to, fellas! Brace and bit and flat beds were all anyone used in Cali. Buckets were for trunk crews and splicers. I have some really great memories from those wide open days of the early to mid eighties. Tony Bykerk started me out, in '82, and I've never been without work since, but things sure aren't what they were then. Wish I knew then, what I know now. Damn sure would have played my cards different!

Gary Vest
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Posted in reply to: Re: Late 70's Early 80's Southern California by Kablbaby
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