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Re: John Evander Couey - the child killer

Did you get that they want to throw out his confession, There is NO MORE LAW in America, We are the law now because this has gone to far. Halloween when all the kids are out I carry a gun in case something happens, And yes in Oregon you can carry a gun with permit but LA you can't so our kids will be a target in tell the law changes and the sad thing is, Is that I don't think it will happen tell it happens to a D.A. or a Judge.

But if you like help, Even tracking him in prison for his short stay and on the streets, Because they can't be helped, And not this little girl dying being buried alive but the one who told his brother that he had ruff sex with a 13 year old the animal has two little girls of his own, What is going to happen to him, How about Westerfield San Diego, CA. because he made the heart pump and saved life's he should only only get prison for life and not put to death, Well I think the animal need to be gang raped in prison and his head cut off like they did to the Americans in Iraq.
Castration don't work, Sigleton was castrated in Texas about 30 years ago for rape and with a plea agreement he got 4 years, transfered to San Quentin, CA. for release on his way back to where ever he was to live he picked up a 2 years old in camerillo, CA. raped her with tools and other stuff, and pulled off her nipples with pliers and cut her arms off at the elbow and threw her in Malibu canyon, lucky for her people were hiking there and found her before she bled to deat, and he went to prison again. Don't know what happened to him now but really pray he is DEAD.

The only way to get these people in prison for life is raise against the people that make the laws and contact D.A. Senators, and rape centers will be happy to get more people involved, get the Amber alert out as soon as a child is missing, not were not sure that she/ or he's in danger yet. When the child is taking that child is in DANGER, And what kind of person can sit at the police station and know whether the child is in danger, Amber didn't die for nothing We need to get Amber nation wide so our loss for that child can save others. I understand that back East there is a few more state that don't have Amber a few more Amber is in most States and we only have a few more to go. And I know that some other girl died and that's why it her alert,.But can't we make that a bill for LIFE if you TOUCH A CHILD.
or DEATH but I don't think that they would ever give death for a child molester.

And I said you can't talk about things that will make go off and this is one of them..

My heart goes out to these families that lost someone this way and I prey that JUSTICE will be served whether in prison or on the streets, it really don't make a deferents to me except I would like to be there when it happens.
And for all of you who has children , Each night tell them how much you love them and hug them every day spend extra time with them read them bed time stories and teach them that there out the the monsters out there look just like you and me. But you can kill and get the death penelty, But I don't see the difference in RAPE, Child Molestion, or Incest it should be the same, because that person is tormenting him or her self for the rest of there lifes. Something he is just not right

Sorry for adding my 2 cents
May Jehovah bless everyone of our children and bring them home safe to us. even if there 50 yrs old there our children

and Hybrid if my Grammar sucks on this one sorry but i think people understould it.

Dave Grammer
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Posted in reply to: John Evander Couey - the child killer by sdelnay
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Re: John Evander Couey - the child killer CableJoeX 7/11/2006 11:06:00 PM