I am not a desk jockey. I spend 60+ hours a week doing walk outs, pushing .625, hanging dishes, trenching for stub outs, and a lot more. I have been in the industry for six years. Some guys have taken more vacation time during their entire career, but I have seen a lot of change. I know that not only install rates have dropped, but also sales commissions.
A UNION WILL NOT fix this bullsh*t. We as installers must report those who aren't installers, yet hacks. A lot of times, managers do not realize who the hacks are because they never get out into the field. The IBEW has a lot of pull for electricians, but we aren't. We are communications technicians.
The buzz word on Wall Street is communications technology, i.e., satellite, cable, video, voice and data. GET CROSS TRAINED. Don't limit yourselves to one small area of a huge market. This industry is the future, and it is about to explode. Grow some balls, stop bitching, and forget the UNIONS. GRAB THE DAMN BULL BY THE HORNS AND SHOVE HIS HEAD UP HIS ASS. STAY IN THE GAME AND GET READY TO GET PAID.