Everytime i reply these people delete my post.. LMAO.. no kidding They got me twice in my reply to this very below topic. So ill try a litle tamer this time. But in no way shape am i inclined to thats for sure. What warren F (aka installerguy.. Aka "the lost duck who follows". and hes history of lies dont set well within me.
But Warren you KNOW you are lieing and promoteing lies when you say that TREy is a actual Union organizer. WE both answered you in another forum this same question with the simplest of truth. Thats trey's Biz so i wont post it again. AND that post you refered to. Where and tha same H*** does it say such? Same ole lieing twisting Warren that he is famous for. Heck at one time you said i was gonna take a AK-47 and some other crazy noise cause i Quoted a U2 song now didnt ya?
That post as a matter of fact was after a E-mail i sent TREy when there was a POST here that SAID: "wonder where Trey is and then some reference to Hoffa and how long it had been since trey was in the forum.. ? When i saw it (post) & it was since the 19th that Trey Posted i wrote HIM an e=mail to see if he and his family was OK. NOW that post means He works for 10 unions and I told You the FACT. Your the lieing Delilah here Warren and You KNOW it.
Well, maybe The moderators wont ZAP this one. I didnt get personally Crazy on your warped mind this time. I invite anyone of this forum to go to the MSN site and research You WILL see this same answer "about Trey" clearly writeen numerous times in at least 2 threads Along long long time and then refreshed within the last couple of months with this same Warren guy.
FRom me ... He is simple family man that HATES what he sees just as i do. We both grew up in Union families and i for 1 spent over 20 yr in one. He has Telco Union work under his belt. (the rest his his own story). Where we become these undercover guys that you DA's think Ill never know.... OH WAIT.. NEVERMIND.. I do know.. from that backwards thinking and masking fool from IDAHO. thats where.
For over a year now he has done this. I say the suns out.. He says its dark. i Quoted a song with meaning.. He says i am Tedd Nugent fixing to shoot a yard full of kittens.
SO now a post i made means hes somebody he definatly is NOT as a
FACT. When in actuality it was just a friend checking on a friend since this forum noted his absence.
Wow.. what a shame..