you guys don't understand why the business is the way it is, sad but true fact I'll bet a large % of techs did not graduate high school and this business gives these (you) guys a decent career without a diploma no questions asked and its because of this that when you first get in you work your ass off make as much money as you can because the opportunity is there to do so and its the guys that seize that opportunity and make something out of it that get ahead and enjoy themselves and the rest just sit back and complain and cry about equal this and that and unions and longer lunches and more pay and have no right stop all your belly aching your union threats and all your other treatment issues be thankful you can do what your doing with your employer not wanting to to see a G.E.D. no go back to work and treat that customer with respect after all they are the ones that really pay your salary..
Re: Cable has launched a PR campaign
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