(67) said.....The abstinence only programs that the bush right wing government put in was actually lying to kids about many of the issues and giving them false facts.
And you are not bashing the Bush administration? Sorry, guess I have a problem reading.
(67) said.....Lets start with Sciavo, It was in the courts for years and every court made the judgement that it was her wishes,HER WISHES, nobody was killing her, there you show your ignorance.
Nice try but you have ignored the fact that NOTHING was written down, and the husband suddenly discovered her "wishes".....when was it AFTER HE FOUND A NEW GIRLFRIEND?
The problem is this. You wish to have it both ways. You proclaim loudly that you are not anti-christian and then go into a tirade against christians. Your problem is that you simply grab pieces of news blurbs that you want to fit your world view. There are MORE PEOPLE EMPLOYED NOW than the last six or seven years. Where do you get this 1 million slipping into poverty....from Nancy Pelosi or perhaps Ted Kennedy? We know that he would never lie about anything don't we....remember Chappaquidick?
Every freedom you enjoy today, comes from the Bible. For you to complain that ANYONE WOULD HAVE THE TEMERITY to call people to a higher standard is the height of ignorance. Imagine suggesting to children that it really is not in their best interest to have sex, (a whole lot of sarcasm here). How dare those narrow minded Christians have the higher goal of protecting these precious children from emotional trauma, or STD's, or the horror of an abortion. What narrow minded people they must be....wanting the best for their children and the children of the nation. I suppose in your world it would be okay for adults to have sex with children....after all we certainly do not want to make laws that might smack of anything religious, do we.
Your world view is totally devoid of anything reasonable. I hope you don't have children. I hope you have not had to put a shattered life back together again because of people with your world view. I hope you never have the joy of raising a grandchild because your child bought into your world view....its all about me and what I want.
When you sit down to dinner in your home, thank CHRISTIANS who believed what the Bible said about NEVER MOVING THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES....giving you the sanctity of ownership of property. When you leave for you job in the morning thank CHRISTIANS who believed the Bible when it says...ALL MEN STAND BEFORE THEIR CREATOR AND THE LAW AS EQUALS...giving you the right to decide for yourself what you want to do for a living. I could go on and on.
I have written with much sarcasm in some points. Your problem is that you chose not to believe anything. You catch a vapid idea put out by the media and then run with it. You spend little time thinking and investigating history. Are there abuses??? Absolutely!!! However I might point out to you that those abuses happened under people who believed in the divine right of kings and that people were not smart enough to decide their own fate. As for the inquisition...DISGUSTING!!!! Equally disgusting is the historical FACT of the Muslim hordes sweeping across Europe with the cry, convert to Islam or lose your head!
Hospitals were created by CHRISTIANS. Social welfare was created by CHRISTIANS. Your problem is that you think most programs were started by governments. You are wrong!!! Many were taken over by governments, NEVER STARTED by them.
Re: Christian protestors arrested at WhiteHouse
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