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Re: Looking for Cable lady's

My god! Has this place turned into a dating service? Admin deleted my last concerning a certain pic, which I thought was an appropriate, but hey Kim, Denice, jump in. Do you know what's really like to hang with a dawg? It's a life of turn arounds, the ole man comes in completely fried from the road, he's got 3 days off (tops) before he blasts out again, so let's break it down, he comes through the door, dragging his tools and his dirty laundry now if he's had a few beers you're going to hear the whole journey right off, he's going to come in totally amazed about how a home looks, (no maids?) He doesn't really care about what been through although he'll fake it, driving home is like speed, either he's out cold or he's going to hang till 3 am. Saturday, well that's his time to re coupe, check all the bills, grab the "Honey Due" list and just flat out hump it, you know get everything done Saturday that you didn't have time to do last week, mow the lawn, chow run, kid and dog time, an then chase you around the house/sheets, ahhh, crash. Sunday, This is just a see ya day, it's packing, chowing, make the calls to make sure your still going to the same project you left Fri/Sat, go trough the day trying to play Husband/Father but in the back of your head your going over that check list, fuel up the truck, make sure you have toll $, bags are packed, set the clock for a 1:30 wakeup , lay in bed till then and hit the road, Mondays suck, your driving away from everything you love and care about, but you can't care about that anymore because , as always you are driving straight into a hornets nest, it takes until Wed to get your head into it, you stop calling home until 10, and it;s a Hi Bye I'm really beat kinda thing, and then before you know it, It's Friday take off, so you show up at the home stead, fried from the road,,, now this is just a weekly hook, catch one after 2 months on the road, that should be 16 days of catch up but he;s only got 4, now that's a good gig for the lady's because there's just 1 thing he's been waiting for, hey maybe that's what keeps everything in place but ladies, if your looking for a man try E Harmony.
it's easyer to ask for forgiveness than permission
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Posted in reply to: Re: Looking for Cable lady's by femalecable
There are 6 replies to this message
Re: Looking for Cable lady's oldschoolgal 4/26/2006 10:03:00 PM
Re: Looking for Cable lady's guerillasplicer 4/23/2006 2:40:00 PM
Re: Looking for Cable lady's NoLuck 4/23/2006 11:23:00 AM
Re: Looking for Cable lady's KODIAKSQ 4/23/2006 11:21:00 AM
Wolf1 Wife of a cable guy 4/23/2006 8:47:00 AM
Re: Looking for Cable lady's Maveron 4/22/2006 10:57:00 PM