Oh, quitters and wimps need not apply. Where I come from, you got to prove you're righteous to be a called a " Bro ".
We can do this thing, but, we got to have it in our hearts. We have just cause. We have to make our minds up, and see this through to the end. Yes, there may be some sacrificies to be made, but the end results will justify the means.you got to " stand for something, or fall for anything ! "
If you are not willing to change the system, then you are just wasting an awful lot of mental and emotional energy crying and whining about it here. All you can find here is empathy. What do you hope to accomplish by ranting here? Do you expect the particular company or individual you would like to ' hear you out ' , to coincidentily be logged on to the Cabl Bar ? And to immediately effect changes based on your bitchn' ? All we accomplish here by doing that is pulling on every one else's heart strings. We have done nothing to solve the real problem. If we try chose to ignore it, it will not go away. Things will not get better unless we make them better.
i have seen these same rants and complaints as long as I have been a member of the Cabl Bar , and have heard them in the field for more years than I wish to count. it is really time to do something about it.
But, we have to be realistic about what we demand to be changed. We can't go off half-cocked on every little whihm. That is why we need to form some type of organization, at the very least. Robert's Rules of Order, and majority rules, etc.,etc . Appointed spokesperson or lobbyist to carry the message of the entire body to whomever it is we must deal with. We can do this without unionizing, but we must organize.
If you are not for the Good of the future Brotherhood of Contracted Utility Workers, then I guess you got no recourse but to whine here. Otherwise, let's take all that wasted energy and put it to good use.
Now or never Bro's, our future starts here. I am willing. Any one else? To thine own self, be true ....