I am not promoting , nor do I wish to indulge in any controversy, but, given the state of the industry, I do believe it would benefit many whom are being treated unfairly. If my circumstances were different, I would certainly join without hesitation.
Anything short of a complete revolution in the industry will ever bring us the respect we deserve.
I think it would be great if all of us could decide on a date this Fall, ( giving all concerned parties 6 months notice ) that if things do not change by that date, that all of us be in agreement to lay out of work for a period not to exceed 2 weeks. ( 6 months is plenty of time to prepare ourselves for a forced vacation, if it becomes necessary ) . I think this work stoppage should be planned at the end of Summer, corresponding with the general publics' return from summer vacations and the opening of the college campuses for acceptence of Fall Semester students. ( Just think of all the students in need of their HSI , and the vacationers , either needing to terminate their Summer contracts, and/or switch back on the service back home. Soccer moms woll need their soaps and Barney babysitter. )
We will need to talk this up to everyone in the field. Even the guys working for the competition. Even if their working conditions are better than ours. They know they can't handle the work load without us. Let the union guys working for the MSO's know whats happening. They will support us , and can provide pressure from the inside. Let everyone know this is for the good of the industry. That we have had enough. that it must stop.
A vast majority of companys will take heed to this uprising from the ranks, and change for the better. We can relocate to these companys. Many companys will cease to exist because they have low-balled it for so long, they will not be in the position to change. Good riddence to them. The decent companys will grow with the new workload provided by the demise of the undesireables.
If the 1- 2 week work stoppage has not produced the desired effect, simply leave your present company for the more desireable one, and watch the bad companys die a miserable death. They will not be able to retrain enough personnel quick enough to satisfy thier contracts, nor will they be able to fill their ranks. picket the sob's , or have friends and relatives hand out flyers near their offices. just don't break any laws doing it.
i believe if we can pull this off, there will be public outcry, as well as political pressure, and news coverage that will assist us.
If we don't want a union, let's at least form an Association of Contracted Utility Workers, hold a National meeting through teleconferencing from several centrally located Regional areas, and send our demands directly to the CEO's, GM's, and the Stockholders of the comanys we work for indirectly. Believe me, there is much power in numbers.
If the truckers, farmers, pilots, freight guys, teachers, nurses, etc.,etc, can do it , why can't we ? Everyone frickn' needs us. let's prove it . and remind them of it. The World of Cable needs an enema.