Ok lets talk about the government. You mean to tell me that a contractor cannot be told when to work? How does our armed forces contract staff that work a daily 9-5 schedule? I can tell you this much about my contract with the army corp of eng, working anything short of their time frames and schedules I would never recieve contract extensions or renewals and probably lose the ones I have now. Go to your local car dealer and ask one of the techs how he gets paid. Piece rate my friend. To walk off the street and make what an installer does is unheard of. Off the street you can make 50k your first year easily. I remember progressing from installs to audits to mapping to sweeping and thinking this is crazy money(even to this day), that a monkey could do this crap. Working from 7-2 most days and drinking the rest of the day complaining I only made 300 bucks.
I just think your point is mute. Dont ruin the rates for the rest of the guys that put up with the crap. Thats what will happen in the end because the mso is not going to increase their rates to cover the primes OT. In return your prime will cut your sales comission and installation rates. You agreed to a job for a certain price that is what a contractor does and if you need to work then you dont tell people when you can work. Get off of your lazy ass to do it. In house employees will suddenly become contractors again and those of you that cannot obtain the vehicle, tools, and insurance to get rolling will be out of luck. Another scenario I have looked at is renting my trucks out and charging a daily fee to all t he techs and make them bonafide contractors again. So when its slow I still make $$ off of those trucks Im losing my butt on during the winter now(at a loss to the tech). Have a great day