Re: Illegals
Member #: 290
Registered: 1996-2001
Great Pacific North West
~44 years
I agree. It is not about race. It is about protecting our country. A country of many race's of people. Short people,Tall,fat,skinny,even ugly people like me. It is about a U.S. government who no longer values its citizen workers. The Governments only concern is a steak dinner and a two weeks all expence paid trip to the virgin islands. The government of Mexico has forty six (soon to be 48)consulates now operating in the U.S. Other countries at most only have two or three consulates. They(Mexican Consulates) are actively lobbying and intervering in our political affairs. This is in direct violation of our State and Federal laws. Ponder that for a while will ya. Why they do not have to obey our laws. Only the Feds know that. More than seven Billion dollars a year is sent to Mexico alone by illeagals. (not counting the aid sent to Mexico)I wonder why they do not help? Or enforce thier own laws. Race? thats what you call it when you want to drop the mother of all bombs. Really helps to get special treatment. And protection. It is about the super workers from down south. Who are willing to work for a lot less money. To hear our president tell it they (more than 12 million) do the work that U.S. citizens simply will not do. You know like working at the Tennessee Valley Authority, Hanford Nuclear Site, Airports, Wal-Mart, Denneys,even cable contractors. U.S. citizens are so unwilling to work. Our President tells us that the illeagals simply want a better life. "Whats wrong with that" he says. I am sure every one who reads this is jumping at the jitters to give up thier lives so that all illeagals can live a better life. Wait.... maybe it is a race issue. Why do the citizens of this country have to provide so many law breakers with free health care. (i am without health care) And all the other assorted things associated with illeagal immigration. Why do I have to obey the letter of the law. I want protection from an invasion by a foriegn country, who seems operate with impunity in "OUR" country. Are you ready to pledge alliegance to the United States of Mexico? Just keep ignoring the problem. it will happen.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Illegals by DOGLEG3283
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