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Re: Illegals

Hey mamalion, really, please, quit yer' bitchin'! Why are you making this all about you? Are you in that much need of attention that you have to take this discussion as a personal attack on quote "you and your people"? This isn't an attack on you. It has been said numerous times that it's not a race issue its an illegal alien issue. I stand firmly behind anyone who wants to go through the correct and appropiate channels to come to the land of dreams to better their life. Hell, 99% of everyone on this site has ancestors that took the boat to ellis island to do just that. That is not the issue. It's the people who jump borders, come in shipping containers, rowboats whatever the means ILLEGALLY. And it's not just mexicans, it's all races, creeds and colors. It just so happens that Mexicos border butts up against the US, so it's easier for a mexican to do so than say a yugoslavian immigrant that lives thousands of miles away across oceans. It's these people who are forced to stand on a corner and wait for that pickup truck to come and get them for a meanial, less-than-minimum-wage job. And it's our own fault this happens. Everybody wants to bitch about the immigrants taking our jobs, but yet WE are the facilitators. We are the ones who hire and take advantage of this cheap labor. If you ask me we shouldn't go after the illegals, we should go after the facilitators and arrest/fine them. If people didn't hire the illegals, then it wouldn't be so promising to come here illegally!! That's just my take on this subject.
This is posting #161747. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Illegals by MAMALION
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Illegals cabledad 2/17/2006 11:44:00 PM
Re: Illegals Clean Splice 2/17/2006 1:45:00 PM
Re: Illegals Clean Splice 2/17/2006 12:38:00 PM