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Re: Time to get out of DirecTV

oldschoolgal quote #1:
"It may not mean much to some to have fifty dollars a week taken out of their check....but for others, it could mean the difference of being able to eat that week."

What union are you referring too? CWA takes 2½ hours of salary from each worker per month, not $50 per week. 2½ hours salary per month is a small price to pay to keep from losing half your total wages to a company pay cut.

oldschoolgal quote #2
"Unions isolate the worker from the decision makers."

No, they only give the worker a more level footing for negotiating with the decision makers. It is the decision makers who isolate themselves from the workers when they make 50% cuts in the worker's pay, the workers are only seeking the protection of the unions when they are being crapped upon.

oldschoolgal quote #3
"If a company or industry goes union, you have to join to work with them."

WTF? You are definantly dreaming here girl. The CWA has no requirements that all the workers join the union. It is ttotally optional. Of course the more memeber there are the more bargaining power you will have when it comes time to negotiate. But if you decide not to be a member the union will still represent you if you need them. In other words if there are 100 techs in your office, 70 of them vote for the union and pay their dues, the union will still represent the other 30 who did not vote for the union or pay one dime in dues.

oldschoolgal quote #4 (& #4a)
"And I hate to break it to you but unions do bully people around."
"I swear on my career I have seen this. "

Fess up you fell asleep with the tv on the other night when TNT was showing "Hoffa", and it became ingrained into your mind like actual events you witnessed and then repressed. I haven't heard of anyone being bullied by the CWA. I'd like for you to show me where they have been bullying anyone. Just give us one instance please. You say you witnessed this behavior in the company you worked for that went union, what company was it? And what union was it? If it is indeed true just give us the facts so we will know what you say is not just a lame attempt to scare people and make the CWA out to be the modern day equivalent of the "boogieman".

oldschoolgal quote #5
"I know it is risky to even take part in the discussion, but I want to share the other side with everyone so they can make a educated deicion."

Thank you for sticking your neck out so far to protect all the clueless people here on Cablbar who might be fooled into believing that a union such as the CWA is out to get them. If it were not for your expert guidance we might never have realized how great & good those big pay cuts, the HSP's are making, are for us lowly mindless techs. Yes the workers should have the proper information to make an informed decision for themsleves, not a bunch of BS scare tactics from managers & contractors who have no place in this discussion. As I have said elsewhere, if any manager wants to discuss unions with the techs then they need to raise the issue in a tech metting where all the techs can join in the debate. But no manager has balls enough to do this. They would rather deal with the techs one at a time because it is much easier to shoot them down solo than in numbers. This is the reason the management fears unionization so much, because the unions bring the workers together.

oldschoolgal quote #6
"I know I am a good person, who treats people fairly, and listens to peoples needs, and I make changes accordingly. You cant do that in a union, at least not on a case by case basis."

You may be a good person, misguided, but good, and you may treat your people fairly, but a HSP who is cutting wages by 50% is neither good nor treating anyone fairly. When workers vote in a union such as the CWA, the workers elect a panel of negotiators from their own ranks to send to the bargaining table with the company. The issues raised at that table come straight from the workers themselves. So if this is not working with the people's needs then what is? Management is just affraid that it will be harder to shoot down the workers' needs when they are brought forth through union negotiations. It is much easier for them to shoot them down when raised on a one to one basis.

oldschoolgal quote #7
"It does not hurt my feelings at all when people like uboatcommander try to be funny by talking crap about what I have to say because I simply don't care what he thinks of me."

Not trying to be funny, just exposing your BS for what it really is, BS. Guess there is something people find humorous about exposing BS. Now tell me just exactly what "crap" I have been talking. Tell me one thing I have said about the CWA that is not true and give us some varifiable facts to back your statements.

Bottom line is this, if a company treats it’s employees correctly then the workers will have NO reason whatsoever to seek out union representation, but if a company think fair treatment is cutting the workers pay in half, they had better duck & cover because a union just might be headed their way.
If you are a worker and do not want to unionize then when asked vote “NO”, if you do want union representation then vote "YES". If you are management and you would like to see a union in your office then screw the workers every chance you get, if you don’t want a union then treat the workers as you would like to be treated, fairly and with some respect. Remember, you reap what you sow.
This is posting #161439. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Time to get out of DirecTV by oldschoolgal
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Time to get out of DirecTV oldschoolgal 2/15/2006 2:54:00 PM
Re: Time to get out of DirecTV kilowatt 2/14/2006 4:47:00 AM
Re: Time to get out of DirecTV Gwester843 2/13/2006 5:45:00 PM