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Re: Feelings on Union

Well actually I was referring to installers actually sitting across the table with Chartr, Comcast, Cox, Dtv etc.... not primes and down. What I wanted to know was if there were installers who feel installers are getting a fair share.

For those who have complaints and suggestions to fix them, how do you expect to be heard. History tells us that 1 united voice is louder than 1 voice alone.

But as far as the example you gave. If the cost of any of your other expences rise, you adjust. If the rent, nextel, water or anything else rises you adjust. Unfortunatrely most times that adjustment is made by taking from the workers. At times this may be warranted, but many times its not. I really think some companies see installers as the 1st option. So if I were in this discussion with you, I would request a copy of your books let my accountants review it, and see if they can come up with a way to make the budget with the least impact possible on the workers I represent. I would stress to you I want to see the company succeed, but not at the expence of members and their families. If the books are in order, i would offer the support of my organization in the political or any other arena that would help the company increase revenue.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Feelings on Union by Pressure Tap
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Feelings on Union Pressure Tap 12/6/2005 12:02:00 AM
Re: Feelings on Union OPIES HERE 12/5/2005 2:34:00 AM