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Re: no union

I for one have not attacked you in any way, all I did was ask how a union at an HSP affected you directly as a contractor. By not having a union in place the HSP (atleast the one oldschool and I worked for) has been able to build up a fleet of vehicles and hire a bunch of $10 FNG hacks (trust me these guys are real hacks, I spent much of the last month I was employed there finishing their installs and fixing their screwups). I can see how that would affect you more than having a union in place, because at a pay rate of $10 per hour they can afford more vehicles and more techs, the more HSP techs they have the less need they have for contractors. In all the union talk I was privy to I never once heard any mention of cutting out contractors altogether. I believe that they realize there is room for both in house techs and contractors alike. But if the HSP's had their way they would be the only ones around and no tech would make over $10-15 per hour.
I see your point and your side of the issue, but I don't agree with you that the union has no place in our industry. I think that there is room for all and that we can all benefit from some HSP's having a union. A union is made up of like minded people with common goals, not a group of mobsters sitting in smoke filled rooms dictating to the minons with an iron fist. That is the picture the HSP's and their lawfirms want people to have of a union. And on that note I ask, what is it about a union that has the HSP's so scared that they will pay a lawfirm $30-40K just to keep the union for being voted on? If they are so good to the employees like they claim they are then why not spend that money on bonuses and good benefits? Because they think the union will get into their wallets and the employees, they could care less about, we are nothing but fodder to them.
I hope contracting doesn't go away anytime soon because that is the way I am headed. But I do feel there is a need for union for the in house techs.
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