I just got off the phone with a friend of mine in Gulf Port Mississippi . He is working for the Prime , Greggory Electric for the telephone co. as well as for Cable One . He said as of yesterday a Canadian Co. called Expertech pulled into town with about four thousand trucks . Bush has given this Canadian Company a no bid contract for all the phone work there. Our telephone company people from all across the US have been told to leave the campgrounds and motels in which they are staying. Just get out leave you can't stay here. What in the fuc.... he.. is going on George . This is ludracrist . I'm calling my senator immediately , how is this possible. Whats next martial law through out the USA. I'm going to start calling news stations until I get some answers. Brown and Rutt , Dick Chaineys old company has the sole contract for the middle east now . I,m beginning to smell somthing fishy going on . Amercia needs some answers . I'm not saying Bush has done anything wrong but I sure have some questions I need answered. Richard please call me or post here if the Goverment has contacted you . You know they can make you block my post but you know I know ways to post from where ever like I did in the days of wet cement. I,m leaving the house here now in South Florida and turning off my cell phone ,I'm not flying home now . I'll walk ,drive, or take a slow boat home, I'll see you in Washington very soon . You might not talk to me but lets see if you will answer to Swartznagger or John Kerry . This industry belongs to the people not the US Goverment.

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD