Re: Complaints Complaints
Member #: 34829
Registered: 12/8/2004
Gary Heiberg
Gary Heiberg
RFM Services
Project Manager
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I am glad a long time vet. in the industry like yourself has such an ideal job and that you are so out of touch with reality because you have no idea how to make money. I have watch the industry take a swan dive and not come back up since the early 90's. We have been in a decline with companies going corprate both cable companies and contractors but the contractors are the ones to take the fall, look at RTK or even more recent GFC. I am not saying the cable companies are not falling apart either, but We are a dieing breed but they are training you guys up to take our place (God help us) as the contractor will always be needed just not respected. You willing to work for 1500 a week they love that, but I miss making 1100 a day. Just food for thought though.

This is CABL.com posting #153091. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mNZn
Posted in reply to: Complaints Complaints by jargall27
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