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Re: Is It Possible

Your reply is only a week late,(nono) but I'm glad you did reply (spin)I 've had some things I wanted to get of my chest any way (2gun). First off you call your self arab splicer,(tut) does that mean you are a camel jockey (bounce)or do you consider yourself arabian american (tut)(usa). A couple other questions. Does your family run convient stores or motels(confused) . Why do arabs where towels on their head?(rainfro) Have you ever thought of hijacking an airplane(blaster). Why do arabian women cover their faces?(shocked) What do they really do behind closed doors?(pimp)(ladysman) I really don't like stinking hadjuies with no profile(upyours)(flipoff) Ride your majic carpet over to lousiana I know for fact their are some Big Hungry Gaters there. No offense man (moon), just busting your chopps(dizzy)
(pimp)(pirate) "WHITFIELD"(usa)(sunny)
(scary) (scary)(skull)(spook)(scary)(skull)(scary)(scary)
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Posted in reply to: Re: Is It Possible by Arab splcr
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Is It Possible Arab splcr 9/25/2005 4:54:00 AM