I don't know if it is just me, but I find myself browsing here less and less often. There seems to be about 10 percent content that is actually a decent read and the rest a mash of,
1. WTF did my posts go.
2. Dishes and Telephone lines.
3. Natural Disasters
Quite frankly, I could hardly care about any of them.
I don't understand this penchant for Admin removing posts here and moderating them entirely out of existence. Case in point, right after GFC went chapter 7 I cracked a few cold ones and "Told it like it is." Not a lie in there. Everything was based on first hand experience of myself. It was quite funny in a twisted kind of way yet, come morning, it was gone.
Perhaps it was my suggestion that the higher ups that had been screwing the industry for years taste the business end of a heater. Honestly, I could care less why at this point. The fact remains, this is no longer a place to speak the TRUTH, or say what is on your MIND.
Oh yeah, we have a "special forum" so the "special people" can say what they wish. Right, it is just a place to vent and get away with what you can't here at the nice and clean prime site.
I really don't know what to think anymore. When my Premier membership went out of date, I had no incentive to renew. My posts in bold just didn't seem worth the twenty bucks. I don't sit down and read some of the more thought provoking posts with the intention of responding anymore. Seems they may be deleted by time I check on them again. I think the last thing of any value (besides the GFC deletion) was about the state of our industry. Well thought out, I even use a spell checker and punctuation.
Go figure. I still check in to see what my aquaintances from here are up to. Mostly though, it is the boring procedure of going through posts whining about the same ol' same ol'.
Why Bother anymore? I have enjoyed conversations with people here over the last handful of years, but it seems that it is more depressing than not checking in these days. I'll be in cable, just most likely a sporadic lurker here instead of a contributor.
I guess that is just the way things go. I really do care about our industry, I have helped many a Dawg over the years when they showed up in my office. All I ask is the same in return. And Admin, I know you won't or don't respond to me, all I ask is the next time you trash something I wrote that contains only the truth, either mail it back to me or put it at the "other forum" here.
Later all, see you in the field.
Re: More Deleted Posts----->
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