Fifteen hundred a week, thats ok for an installer if you didn't leave home to get it . Most of us that are complaining do construction and splicing, the way I see it you wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for us. I started in this industry in 79 , were you even born then? I started in Cinn. Ohio there was no cable in existence there when we rolled into town, as well as many other places. Good luck in this industry . How many installers hang out with the line crews? I can answer that for you. "NONE" unless your brother is a lineman . Lineman are rought trade with rough hands, and hard from being on the sticks all day.
1500.00 a week , more like, a day, thats ok money , but I've made better. 1500.00 a week you don,t have any conception of the money made in this industry, Go post something in the linesmans forum, Those men need something to eat. Have a nice day.

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD