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Re: Ok I came over here.

Greetings scarecrow,

   Before you spend all your money on me, I think you could put it to better use buying a history book, or maybe you can ask your kids to borrow theirs.  It was the dipstick french, british, and spanish that turned this beautiful country into human waste land where you have eighty percent of the population receiving federal welfare of one kind or another.  But, if you insist, I would take that one way ticket to Belize, Venezuela, Brazil, or Veracruz as soon as you put your money where your mouth is....I am waiting. 

   Your smart-ass remark to me while I was only being sincere has me thinking I really would not accept anything from you, anyway.  There is more than enough people in this land who are able to converse without becoming personal, and attacking each other over differences of opinions to ever want to know anymore about you than I have already learned.  You'll just have to go elsewhere to find another as thin skinned as you are so that you two can drag each other into arguments that are not worth speaking, let alone typing, and continue to edify your own personal perception of your selves by name-calling, slander, and smart-ass replies.  I am not the ain't me,, it ain't me babe.

One more point of consideration I humbly offer is this;  Whenever, and whatever I feel sure of, I mean when I really believe in what I am saying, doing or feeling....No one, nobody can tell me different, and no person can make me feel bad about what I do think, feel or say.  Because, I know.  I know that I know,  others opinions do not shake my understanding, and I do not get mad at anyone who may try.  I do not become some kind of smart-ass and respond with negative remarks, or make false offers to buy them 'one-way' tickets.  I allow them their opinion, and I allow them the respect of someone who listens, sometimes I may even try to role play and try to understand what has caused their view to become obscurred, if I think it is.  But, I try never to attack the messenger because of the message.  Do you hear what I am saying?  I think (I don't know you, so I am only guessing) I think if you really believed in everything you think you do, then you would not feel the need to stifle the opinions of others, especially your attempt to stifle with such elementary smart mouth.  Before I say anymore, I should find out how old you are.  I will be the foolish one if I learn that really I am wasting all this typing on a nine year-old, or something equivalent. 

   Reply, or not to this post, mr scarecrow, I have no need of this attitude, regardless of anything you say.  In just a few short sentences you have revealed to me your utter inability to speak a good word. 

in love and truth, we too, become Creators... Harmony, ever hear that word before?

Good luck with the future you 'create', mr scarecrow.

see ya' I won't.

"Where there are no alternatives, there is no problem."  --Petergunn Lookstwice

Where there are no alternatives, there is no problem...Petergunn Lookstwice-2001.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Ok I came over here. by scarecrow
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Re: Ok I came over here. scarecrow 9/6/2005 9:48:00 PM