Wow! This is the year 2005. Why in the world are these primes and their subcontracting companies doing all that paperwork? When I was a prime I had custom coded web based software designed so that my techs could tally up their tasks on line either from our shop, their home, or for that matter any where they could access the internet. It was designed to be secure and private and also to not allow them to bill for anything that wasn't proper (virtually eliminating improperly filled out dailies and the consequent overpaid (of course nobody complains about that) or underpaid situations) Techs could then print out a copy of any time frame they wanted (1 day, 1 week, 1 day six months ago, etc.) Authorized management or the tech could see with a couple of key strokes from any place with internet access through their browser (IE, Netscape, etc.) what they made over any time period, how many A/O's each tech did, or what ever you wanted to look up. From an administrative standpoint, it was all automated and it didn't matter whether I had 5 techs or 500, the "paperwork" wasn't any more difficult. No more lost or illegible paperwork, peoples checks were right and once they got used to it (about 5 minutes for anyone under 35

), most techs loved it! It is 2005, why in the world are these large contractors using 1980 technology? People make mistakes, if software is designed right, it doesn't. It saves the contracting co a lot of money and headaches too and gives you accurate billing to the MSO.