Maybe this will help you.I've been working for MasTec as a Sub and under others for 4 years now.This past year and a half, for them directly.The system is set up to work to the benefit of the subs.Its who handling the paperwork and the office stuff that will mess you up.I've gotten all my $$ with some delay in the retainage.The last job they misplaced dalies and it was 45 days getting pay.I had trouble getting through to corp.I stayed on it and keep going higher in the company to get my stuff processed and paid .Now with different people Subcontractors dept.

things are running right on time.I have to be nice to them and not rude in getting stuff done but its no different anywhere else.Its something you have to stay on with them when a problem arises.
If you keep your insurance in order and your paperwork and have copies you should have a positive experience with Mastec.