Well some of you can sit around telling us to get over it, forget about it, move on (which we did the day after they closed the door thanks to our good name) but being the wife of an old cabledawg I have learned to not give up on anything! Corporate may come in and take over all our family owned business

and then run with their tails between their legs, but I'll be darned if I'll let them screw us

! We may never get what they owe us ($6,000plus)but we'll be sure to ruin their credibility and their ability to ever get back into the cable business and we'll sure as heck make darn sure them and all their high priced attorney's

don't forget we exist!
So to all of you who are fighting the good fight, thanks for your time and ALL the GREAT info. Some of us sure appreciate it

! We'll be sure to send along any and all info we get! Good luck to all and god bless
