For me $25/hr is a fair rate, at $25/hr I would have no problem submitting to any production standards or quotas that you have, You could look at my work load in the past so if a techs says there is no way to do 2 three boxes and a single in a day then you could easly disprove him by last months work.
Sat I did 2 four boxes (one with 2 wallfishes) and a three box.
It took 10 hours but I made over $400, Under the hourly rate you would need to send three differant techs to do this work, (a four box is projected at 5 hours and a three box at 4 hours plus drive time and extra for possible wallfishes) If I can and do do the work of 2 or 3 hourly techs should I not get paid like it. You will save on insurance, vehicle exp, etc for one tech compared to two.
Once you go hourly techs will ride the clock and take all the time they can to get to 40/ me I have plenty of experience in this issue coming from the security alarm industry, where it is half and half and the hourly techs are always the slowest.
Side note dont tell me that DirecTV is requiring all these vans be plastered with their advertising and that they are not compensating the HSP for this!!
"Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!" Judge Judy