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Re: satsouth

You are probably or most likely right i dont know what the cost of the vehichles realy is. All that aside i side tracked myslef from the topic at hand sorry for that. I do know how most of the world works with an hourly wage,but most of the old school techs such as myself that have been doing piece work for 9 or more years just feal that its a raw deal and we have been taking pay cuts year after year and this would be the worst one yet.We know the bottom line is the hsp's dont care. so anyway the hourly wage should be based on verrifiable expieriencesuch as a welder or cnc machinest with a proven track record would have no problem getting $20.00 ph still would be a cut but would be more dependable income. If we were required to do 3 singles in a day wich doesnt happen anymore but as a base line depending on pay ill figure 65 ea that would be $195 a day do the same $ 20 per hour for 8 hours is $160. that wouldnt be to bad and any tech with exp should be able to do more work than that in a day. and figuring at that base of a $35 a day difrence x 5 is $175 a week wich should cover the gasand ins now the difrence of a few upgrades and multi reciver would have no problem beign$300 a week difrence in pay would, should more than recover the vehichles expenses? I think that would be well mildly fair for an expierienced tech with a proven track record and thats probably what it will take to keep quality techs around to keep up with the work load and keep a good customer satisfaction rate along with quality work. now if the hsp's were willing to negotiate this with theyre techs openly like this that might stand a chance of keeping the exp techs around.But given the track record the way we have taken it dry every year i think stopping the union from happening is aahhh well unstopable we are just tired of beign pushed around with no choice .
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Posted in reply to: Re: satsouth by SatSouth
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