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Thanx for fiber advice

Thank you to everyone that replied, I'll try to answer all of your questions. I'm contractor turned in house for Verizon ($23 an hour in nothing to sneez at, so don't kill me), so peace work is out the window. They want me to do it this way so I do. Its in Ft. Wayne so your right, alot of easments. We only have two bucket trucks for now so thats out of the question. I'm using a ladder with a ladder sling and a small platform to stand on, (use a ladder sling mid-span,,pucker anyone?). When I get the welder up there and secure it to the work station its nice and secure. the work station attatches to the strand, and has an attatchment for the cleaver. We tried the trick with using the lid as a table and it works great but Verizon didn't want to take any chances with raining welders' from the sky. All legs (laterals) and hubs have enough slack to splice from the ground, with the use of snow shoes afterword. Did I get 'em all??
On a fun note, they gave me my new truck today that had to set them back a buck or two, its like a Ryder truck that is set up to splice hubs and legs, sweeeeeeeet!!!! I'm getting spoiled in my old age. I think I'll just bring my sleeping bag and set up residence in the truck. Its bigger than some of those hotels' we're used to. Thanx again, Red(snipper)(usa)
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Posted in reply to: Aerial fiber splicing by redrocker80
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