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I just don't understand it!
Where people get off worshiping the pope--a MAN!

and then they claim the pope is infallible!!!

EXCUSE... where in God's Word does it say that a man is capable of sinning

where in God's Word does it say that we should worship man rather than Jesus Christ, God's Son! where in the Word does it say that we should throng to the Vatican when the pope is dying rather that thronging to read God's Word! where in the Word does it say that we should scream & cheer when PEOPE---SINFUL PEOPLE--BORN INTO SIN--ELECT a man as head of their faith and put him next to Jesus!!!!

It is nuts! Not only nuts but it is wrong. Give me Biblical proof that the pope is infallible. Give me Biblical proof for most of the things Catholics and other so-called Christians do!!!
If you can't back it up by the Word of God it isn't any good!

Tradition is great and everything, but the Word of God is better.
The Pharisees were masters of the law and tradition--but they were also hell bound!

and when I say Word of God, I am not refering to all these new versions people come out with--gender neutral, pet bibles, all these extra books people throw in

The Word is the Truth. The Truth is Chirst. Christ is the Way. The only Way! He is the Head of the Christian Faith--the only true faith there is! He is the Focal Point of my life.

Jesus Christ died for our sins--collectively & individually. Not Mr. Bernard Ratzinger or whatever his name is!

Jesus Lives!

This is posting #144993. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Pontifex Maximus by Steve Harvey
There are 4 replies to this message
This is Why I Get Upset NescoSaleRental 4/20/2005 4:20:00 PM
Re: Amen! NescoSaleRental 4/20/2005 4:12:00 PM
Re: Amen! T.F.T. 4/20/2005 4:00:00 PM
Re: Amen! Splicer Life 4me 4/20/2005 2:41:00 PM