I know in the past some contractors would hire vagrants or day labor people to fill openings and these people would do more damage then anything else. Now that these contractors are gone and only the best remain they are putting us through this b#^^$&it.
I was told (by a well known and one of the biggest cable companies) all new hire info must be submitted to them for approval to hire, period. We could hire them but they would not give them a tech number to work on the contract. We were told we must hire only people with at least one year experience, clean drug history, have a perfect driving and employment history. I know a few VP’s of this company that can’t make these requirements and we pay piece work.
As contractors we need to get these companies off our backs on who we hire. It’s not there company. If we are not getting the job done then fire us. Otherwise, lets us do what we do and stay out of our business. If there not careful one of us will get ticked off and sue them. The McDonalds lady won her coffee suit, we might just win this one.