These are direct words comming from one of my main suppliers. Out of respect I do not yet hold Installs Inc. for thier client-SEARS- that has required this. I am not one to be told whom to hire but instead through 15 years of installations I do consider myself and my team the best.
"Prove it?" I don't have to; the backbone of my staff does that every day. I do not second guess them because I already know and can define thier individual talents. The message that came is more of a threat. When I did this with Circuit-they in turn contracted the people out from under me for less. (you can expect that from those guys though. )
Sears, In fact-asked Us to individually work through them and I promptly turned it down out of respect that I have been sharing for some time.
I am and have been a major contractor from II for years running. There was never a clause telling me that I have to get rid of joe smith or john doe because of some flaw in a background years past. This insults my teams ability and its isometric structure.
You, yourself will draw a line when questioning our ability.
But moreover, i AM a contractor. A damn good one. When my presence is needed, I am there. Happy clients and job well done.
If any among you reading this ask simply if I am hiding something or discount my installer base-you are very mistaken.
I did not get to #1 by hiring circus carnies or drug addicts. I do my OWN background check and pay quite hansomely for this.
So lets talk, audience. send me your thumbs up or down. I don;t really care-but send them all the same.
N. Staashen.